The One Quality All Thriving Entrepreneurs Share

One quality all entrepreneurs must possess is self-discipline: The ability to make yourself do things that should be done, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.

The ability to develop self-discipline will contribute more to your business success than any other quality. The most successful salon owners can think “big picture” and delay gratification in the short term so that they enjoy greater payoffs in the long term.

Self-discipline requires sacrifice and taking control. This doesn’t mean banishing all pleasurable experiences from daily life, but it does mean that you experience them after completing all your necessary tasks.

These eight areas of growth all add up to self-discipline. Master them, and you can conquer all!


1. Reinforce Goals Daily.

Every morning, take 3-5 minutes to jot down your top goals in the present tense. Writing them down helps to program them into your subconscious mind, so you more easily recognize opportunities and possibilities that can help you fulfill them.

Self-discipline is key to salon business success.

2. Manage Your Work Days.

At the end of the day, take 3-5 minutes to plan tomorrow’s activity. Always work from a list and write your thoughts down. The more you plan, the better you use your time and the more you get done.

Organize the list by priority using the A B C D E method:

A = Must do – Serious consequences for non-completion.

B = Should do – Mild consequences for non-completion.

C = Nice to do – No consequences for non-completion.

D = Delegate – Everything you possibly can.

E = Eliminate – Everything you can to free up time.


3. Confront Your Fears.

The biggest obstacle to success is fear of failure. Make a habit of facing your fears and learn to stop avoiding them. When you move toward fear, it tends to get smaller.

To start, identify one fear in life and drive yourself to deal with it right now. The resulting courage and confidence make it easier each time to handle daunting situations as they come up. 


Self-discipline is key to salon business success.


4. Eliminate Time Wasters.

Let your diligent work ethic be the model for your team. Continually ask yourself “what is the most valuable use of my time right now?”  Then work on that — every hour, every day.


5. Prioritize Your Health.

Rest well, eat healthy foods, and exercise. Design your ideal health profile in your own estimation and let this become your goal. Exercising is best done in the morning to set you up for a productive day ahead.


6. Develop Persistence.

The greatest test of self-discipline is when you can persist through adversity, and drive yourself to complete tasks no matter what the circumstances. Persistence is the outward measure of your belief in your vision. It’s self-discipline in action.


7. Cultivate Your Relationships.

In life, relationships are everything. Make time for important personal and professional relationships every day, and never be “too busy” to strengthen connections with the people who matter to you.

Self-discipline is key to salon business success.


8. Practice Positivity.

Positive thinking brings inner peace, success, improved relationships, better health, and gratitude.  It helps the daily affairs of life move more smoothly.

Learn to expect good outcomes, even if your current circumstances are not ideal. In time, a persistent positive attitude will have a favorable effect on your circumstances.

Easier said than done, right? Repeating a few positive words or affirmations every now and then is not enough. Positivity must be your predominant mental attitude. If it’s not, and you’re finding it difficult to change your mindset, greater efforts are needed toward inner work.


Work on these growth areas daily, and self-discipline will become ingrained in you. The benefits of self-discipline are well worth it!

  • It’s vital to success.
  • You will get more done, faster and of higher quality.
  • Your finances will improve.
  • Your sense of self-reliance and personal power will grow.
  • You will develop more self-confidence and diminish fear of failure and rejection. 
  • You’ll be able to persist over obstacles until they’re gone.

And who wouldn’t want all that?


Liz McKeon is a salon business coach and founder of The International Salon Business School. She’s the author of 30 Days to Beauty Business Success.

Salon business coach Liz McKeon